
Our Singamakhalipha, meaning “Brave Warriors,” Programme focuses on empowering children and parents through public education and support services for a brighter future for all. The programme operates in the Gugulethu District, encompassing Gugulethu, Philippi, Nyanga, and Crossroads. This area has experienced rapid population growth, with estimates ranging from a current total around 600,000 residents, making it one of the most underserved areas in Cape Town. A large proportion of residents live in informal housing, and unemployment is estimated at over 60%. Additionally, the district faces significant challenges, including high rates of antenatal HIV sero-prevalence and deprivation, with several wards ranked among the most deprived areas in the Western Cape.

The HIV/AIDS pandemic, severe poverty, crime, and violence have left many children traumatized. They face loss, grief, lack of food and other necessities, parental alcoholism, and child abuse, which affect their education and emotional well-being. Without adequate support, these children may experience emotional withdrawal, behavioral and learning difficulties, poor interpersonal relationships, and social marginalization. Furthermore, failing to respond to their needs could result in increased juvenile crime, reduced literacy, and a burden on the state and society.

The Singamakhalipha intervention aims to provide holistic psychosocial support services in an after-school care environment to households and vulnerable children affected by these challenges.

The programme’s objectives are to:

  1. Build resilience of children at risk through rights-based and gender-sensitive social interventions.
  2. Provide a child-centered space for healing, recreation, and support;
  3. Strengthen the capacity of parents of children at risk to build healthy, resilient, self-sufficient families;
  4. Raise awareness about the plight and rights of children at risk; and
  5. Develop and implement effective monitoring and evaluation systems.

AU does this through services for children such as daily homework support, tutorials and tutoring classes, life skills training, HIV/AIDS support groups, child abuse awareness programmes, therapeutic sessions, school holiday programmes, arts and culture activities, and birthday celebrations. We also have services for parents and caregivers such as home visits, parenting skills training, and HIV/AIDS support groups for adults.